
As an alternative to doing this.root.querySelector(...), bind:this lets you pick out a specific element in the component and assign it to a variable.

In this example we create a sacrificial <div>, assign it to this.renderRoot, and then after mount we can access its innerHTML property as well as any other.

function RawHTMLRenderer() {
	this.mount = () => {
		this.renderRoot.innerHTML = this.html;
	return html`
			unsanitized html below:
			<div bind:this=${use(this.renderRoot)} />

document.body.appendChild(html`<${RawHTMLRenderer} html="<h1>hi</h1>" />`);
function RawHTMLRenderer() {
	this.mount = () => {
		this.renderRoot.innerHTML = this.html;
	return (
			unsanitized html below:
			<div bind:this={use(this.renderRoot)} />

document.body.appendChild(<RawHTMLRenderer html="<h1>hi</h1>" />);
const RawHTMLRenderer: Component<
		html: string;
		renderRoot: HTMLDivElement;
> = function () {
	this.mount = () => {
		this.renderRoot.innerHTML = this.html;
	return (
			unsanitized html below:
			<div bind:this={use(this.renderRoot)} />

document.body.appendChild(<RawHTMLRenderer html="<h1>hi</h1>" />);