
A utilitarian framework for creating simple UI in javascript

function Counter(){
	this.css = `
color: red;
button {
	border: 3px solid blue;
	this.counter = 0

	return html`
			<div>count is: ${use(this.counter)}</div>
			<button on:click=${()=>this.counter++}>Click Me!</button>

let root = html`
		<${Counter} />

Write Components without the overhead

dreamland has no virtual DOM and no build step. Just write your components in javascript and attach them to the DOM.

dreamland is extremely small, coming in at 1.6kb minified and gzipped.

Start with a single import

dreamland is a single file that can be imported directly into your project. It is also available on npm.

<script src="https://unpkg.com/dreamland"></script>

Learn the basics of dreamland here.